08:00 – 09:00
Arrival and registration

09:00 – 10:10
Official opening by
Michael K. Rasmussen, VELUX Group (DK)
Claus Grube, Ambassador of Denmark to the United Kingdom (UK)

“International Year of Light 2015” by John Dudley (F)
“Daylight as a Drive for Change” by Caroline Buckingham (UK)

Word from the moderators

10:10 – 10:40
Keynote “Daylight and Architecture” by David Nelson, Foster and Partners (UK)

10:40 – 11:10

11:10 – 13:00
“Architecture for Wellbeing and Health” by Koen Steemers, Cambridge University (UK)
“Designing for Access to Nature in Residential Buildings” by Nick Baker (UK)
“Daylight Exposure in Relation to Sleep, Wakefulness and Health” by Arne Lowden, Stockholm University (S)
“Home Design that Bridges Human Behavior and Needs with Daylight” by Victoria L. Revell, University of Surrey (UK)
“Daylight for People with Sight Loss” by Paul Littlefair, BRE (UK)
“Architecture for the Senses” by Christina Augustesen, Grontmij (DK)
“Architecture with Daylight – Energy vs Health” by Arne Hülsmann, Andres Lichtplanung (D)

13:00 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:30
“First do no harm: Practicing Lighting Design or Medicine….. without a license?” by Deborah Burnett, Benya Burnett (USA)
“Programming for Patients’ Needs” by Naja Lynge, Rigshospitalet (DK)
“Daylight Factors – or Solar Architecture” by Carlo Volf, Aarhus School of Architecture (DK)
“Sunlight and Mental Wellbeing” by Lynette B. Robertson, Mackintosh School of Architecture (UK)
“Uncharted territory: Daylight Performance and Occupant Behaviour in Classroom Environment” by Nafsika Christa Drosou, Loughborough University (UK)
“Architectural Atmosphere in Learning Environments” by Stine Holm Jensen, AART architects (N)

15:30 – 16:00

16:00 – 17:15
“Access to Daylight – Getting People Outside and Daylight Inside” by Christoph Reinhart, MIT (USA)
“Experiencing a Daylit Space” by Marilyne Andersen, EPFL (CH)
“Constructing in Natural Light” by Lonn Combs, Easton+Combs (USA)

17:15 – 18:00
Keynote “The End of Night” by Paul Bogard, James Madison University (USA)

Closing comments by the moderators

18:00 – 21:00
Pub dinner at Tobacco Dock


08:30 – 09:00
Arrival and coffee

09:00 – 10:30
“Sustainable Architecture, Modern vs Vernacular Architecture in China” by Song Yehao, Tsinghua University Beijing (CHN)
“Daylight in Urban Texture” by Natalia Sokol, Gdansk University of Technology (PL)
“Light in Gunnar Asplund’s Public Library” by Martin Scwartz, Lawrence Technical University in Detroit (USA)
“Design for Future Offices” by Nick MacLiammoir, Arup (UK)

10:30 – 11:00

11:00 – 13:00
“New Tools for Easy and Accurate Simulation of Complex Daylighting” by Henrik Wann Jensen, Luxion (USA)
“Evaluation of Daylight Characteristics in Working Environments” by Alessia Pedace, University of Palermo (I)
“Daylight Metrics and their Sensibility” by Sophie Stoffer and Kathrine Brejnrod, Aarhus University (DK)
“Evaluation of Buildings in the Future” by Elpida Vangeloglou, Ramboll (UK)
“Daylight Standards: Some Lessons from History” by Alan Lewis, University of Manchester (UK)
“Diffuse Daylight Autonomy” by Bernard Paule, ESTIA (CH)
“The Urgent Need and Battle to Modernize Daylight Regulation” by Paul Rogers, BAU Architects (S)
“The European Daylight Standard – Status” by Marc Fontoynont, SBI/AUC (DK)

13:00 – 14:00

14:00 – 14:45
Keynote “Daylight, Perception, Movement and Embodied Experiences” by Olafur Eliasson (DK/D)

14:45 – 15:15
Winners of Natural Light: Mariana Arando and Luca Fondello (AR)

15:15 – 15:30
Farewell and see you next time
