A lecture by Craig Dykers at the International VELUX Award in Vienna
The world-famous architect Craig Dykers was a member of the jury of the International VELUX Award, when the Award first took place in 2004. Craig Dykers was also part of the jury in 2014, this time as chairman of the jury. At the Award event in Vienna he provided the winnings students and the invited guests with food for thought in a lecture on the meaning of light and […]
by the VELUX Group
The 6th VELUX Daylight Symposium taking place in London next year has been rescheduled to 2-3 September 2015.
We have decided to reschedule the 6th VELUX Daylight Symposium, already announced for May 2015, to 2 and 3 September 2015. By changing the date we believe it will align better to other activities planned in connection with “The International Year of Light 2015” where the VELUX Group is Organizational Associate.
Tobacco Dock in London is still the venue.
Registration will be opened from […]
By Jan Wienold, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), EPFL ENAC IA LIPID, Switzerland
PhD position is available at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Performance-Integrated Design (LIPID)
LIPID is looking to hire a Doctoral Assistant (PhD student) with experience with or interest in the field of visual comfort. Visual comfort has a large impact on user satisfaction and indirectly on energy demand of a building. The research focuses on buildings with VDU-oriented workplace settings. The initial proposed method relies on user assessment experimental […]
By Jens Christoffersen, VELUX Group
In a recent Case Study Report, the Eneref Institute (www.eneref.org) examines how the number of occupants using the library increases with the installation of VELUX skylights. The completely new West Branch Library is designed to fulfill the City of Berkeley’s 2009 Climate Action Plan. The action plan set the target of reducing local greenhouse gas emission by 80% by 2050. Furthermore, the City of Berkeley also envision a city where new and existing buildings achieve Zero Net […]