by Jens Christoffersen, VELUX Group

LumeNet 2014 is a workshop for PhD research students of the art and science of lighting. In line with previous events, such as the VELUX Daylight Academic Forum in Lausanne (2011) and Copenhagen (2013), the LumeNet workshop in Sheffield (2012), and the CIE PhD students and young researchers workshop in Paris (2013).

The LumeNet 2014 workshop in Berlin, Germany, at Technische Universität Berlin – will focus on providing time for review and discussions of research projects. As many as 30 individual PhD presentations will be given in small groups with reviewers, as well as the other students from the group, and discussed afterwards to provide each research project with valuable feedback.

The following expert reviewers will participate in the Workshop:

Peter Boyce,  Independent Higher Education Professional, United Kingdom
Steve Fotios, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Kees van der Klauw, Philips Lighting, the Netherlands
John Mardaljevic, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Mirjam Münch, Charité University Medicine, Germany
Werner Osterhaus, Aarhus University, Denmark
Stephan Völker, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Jens Christoffersen, VELUX Group, Denmark

A recap of the Workshop will be made available following the event, visit for updates.