posted by Nicolas Roy, VELUX Group

Light is essential for human beings. Not only does light allow us to see, it affects our mood, health, and productivity, while shaping deeply the way we experience our surroundings. Because light is ubiquitously present in our environment, it has great potential to influence the way we feel, think, and act, and therefore deserves attention in research across disciplines.

EXPERIENCING LIGHT 2014 is an international two-day scientific conference that will bring together recent insights into the effects of light and lighting design on human wellbeing. Following the successful Experiencing Light conferences in 2009 and 2012 it aims to provide a state of the art overview of how light influences mood, emotions, behaviour, physical and mental health, comfort, atmosphere perception, productivity and performance. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for academics and practitioners with an interest in research, theory, technologies, design, and applications related to the effects of lighting on people to meet and hear about recent findings.

For more information on the event and programme visit

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